Saturday, March 27, 2010

Gluten-free Pizza

Gluten-free Pizza
This is the best recipe I have tested so far for gluten-free pizza. My husband says pizza is one of the foods he misses the most being on a gluten-free diet. We have tried many, many, many different recipes and most tasted like cardboard. This recipe has the softest crust I have tasted yet. Try it and tell me what you think!
1 1/2 c white rice flour
1 c brown rice flour
3/4 gluten-free cornstarch (I use Argo)
2 Tbsp. xantham gum
2 tsp unflavored gelatin (one packet)
1/4 c sugar
3/4 tsp salt
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1/2 tsp garlic powder or garlic salt
1 tsp yeast
3/4 c shredded mozarella cheese (can omit if dairy allergies)
1 Tbsp + 4 tsp olive oil
2 eggs
2 tsp vinegar
1 1/2 c hot water or milk
1) Mix dry ingredients in large bowl with whisk to sift together.
2) Add mozarella cheese and wet ingredients to dry ingredients in large bowl. Mix with flat beater or dough hook on medium low speed until pulls away from the side of the bowl.
3) Cover and let sit next to oven while oven preheats (about 10 min.) Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
4) Prepare surface to roll out dough with cornstarch. Roll dough into circle. Pinch sides up to hold in toppings. Transfer to pizza sheet. Baste with melted butter and garlic.
5) Cook 10-12 min. in oven.
6) Top with sauce, cheese and pizza toppings of your choice. Bake 10-15 min. more until cheese is bubbly and crust is lightly browned.
7) Enjoy!

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